lundi 21 juillet 2008

HOW TO MAKE your Sony Ericsson like an IPHONE 3G


How to do that ? Use just some good sofware

how can i install a sofware ?

A w960i is a smarphone ( UIQ3 symbian 9.1 ) = use it like a computer :
  • put ur software on the mobile phone (with usb connection or bluetooth connection )
(create a folder named "sofware" to find it more easily or put it where u want)
  • search on ur phone the folder and the software and click it !
  • it ask u if u want install ! click YES !
  • NOW u can find ur soft on the main menu with the others ones
  • it's ready to use it (just click on it and enjoy)

a smarphone is like a computer
think like that

so , u can ( like a computer ) :
  1. dont use the soft
  2. use it when u want , u need
  3. and of course u can desinstall it !