samedi 16 août 2008

The iphone scroll effect - Gdesk v0.33 -

The new version gdesk 0.33 with the possibilty to scroll your pages like the iphone !!!

enjoy and show us your work !!!!!

PS : i didnt finish my theme "diamond htc" , this is the reason why i didnt put icons on it !!

13 commentaires:

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can you share the gdd???

Anonyme a dit…

Ton .gdd est sympa , regarde le mien ainsi que ce que j'ai fait avec mon p990i, j'ai posté une video reponse.

bye bye

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Does this application also work on the SE G900?

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when will it be redy???

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salut g en ma poséssion des icone que j'ai extirper d'un théme de mon htc diamond si sa tintérésse tien le lien

Anonyme a dit…

I would love to try it on my own w960. Is it somewhere in the Internet where I can download the gdd?

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I tried to make the scroll part, but can't work it out. Could you help me?

Anonyme a dit…

so can someone post the download link and will this app also work for the g900?

Anonyme a dit…

I don't think he would give it, but I hope he can help me, with making the scroll myself with Gdesk. Because I cant figure it out how To use the scroll option only for horizontal way, it automatically does also vertical.

You have a hint, or a tutorial to fix it?

frenchanitya / ao2douzat a dit…

sorry for the long time (holiday)
enjoy with my new theme diamond 0.33 !

if u cant use it , u need to use the new gdesk 0.33!! (not with the gdesk 0.32 , it cant work )

voila !

Anonyme a dit…

I don't get how to use the Gdesk. I uploaded the HTC 0.33 then the HTC theme came up but the clock shows 2 exclaimation marks. Is there a tutorial online showing how to use GDesk and a video tutorial in how to turn it like your Diamond

Unknown a dit…

Please upload the Iphone GDD theme.

Anonyme a dit…

i want to ask...can all this htc and scrol function work on g900??