jeudi 4 septembre 2008

My W960i htc diamond 0.33 theme

how to customise ur sony ericsson like the htc diamond !

frenchanitya & ao2douzat

direct download = here

htc diamond theme
htc diamond icons
htc diamond gdd

afflicted for the delay I had left on holiday!!

I had a light problem with my computer, I thus lost my news icons!
here thus as promised my topic htc diamond touchflo!
but unfortunately have time to remake all my icons, I thus leave you the possibility of customise your phone as you wish it with my basic theme, I show you on this video theme slightly to modify!


7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I downloaded GDesk 0.33 and the HTC diamond theme on my g900 and when i loaded the design on Gdesk, the size of the time was way too big for the 2 white boxes and I dont know how to set the links so when i click on contacts that it'll go to the contact page. Can you please help me? thanks

Bro Sawer a dit…

what a great gdesk that i ever seen.
"U're really the man" thank for this.
Can u post the tutorial how to customize this?
I dont want to mess this design.
I liked a lot.
Link me.

Anonyme a dit…

Heey coucou !

Tu parles bien français j'imagine hein? =)
Ecoute, j'aurais bien voulu te poser quelques questions parce que j'suis trop trop interessée par ton truc làà ^^
Ca serait possible que tu m'envoies un e-mail à mon adresse :

Merci beaucoup en tout cas !
J'espère que ça ne t'embête pas trop, t'inquiète paas, j'serai pas chiante ! xD
Allez à bientôt j'espère ! ++

Bro Sawer a dit…

hi frenchanitya,
im in love with ur design
but can u make this design accesible to run main menu (SE default main menu?) bcoz im trying to make it with open design menu and clik main menu but the menu which apear is just box which contain gdesk menu, not SE main menu..
btw when u share the amazing htc gold? i really .. so much .. much fall in love.
Fit to my p1i :D

Anonyme a dit…

Hi i downloaded and put the htc theme but there is a small problem!

when you go to calendar and what to write a reminder or something else there with the virtual keyboard the background of the area you write is also pink (like the fonts) so actually you dont see what you write unless you finish and go back!
how can i fix that? or can you fix it?
thank you :)

Anonyme a dit…

can you share the file somewhere else besides rapidshare? i cant seem to download from there. i really love the theme. please, thank you.

raaaaaaaaaaaj a dit…

why cant i install gdesk 0.33 in my w960? it always says that the version is incompatible to my phone model